
Sonic Adventure 2: Heroes Vs Villains - Ch. 6

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Chapter 6: Free the Heroes

On Prison Island, the military just throw Sonic and Sparklie in a cell and locks them inside so they won't escape. Which is a problem for Sonic since it's kinda small and he hates places with not so much room to run...

"Ugh! This room is too small for me! And there's not even a TV in here!" Sonic loudly complained as he walks around the room. He can't help it. He's a runner and prefers the wide open spaces.

Sparklie then exclaims, "Oh, please! I should be the one complaining here... I'm lock in a cell with a guy for goodness sake!" She also growled as she sits down against the walls, sighing at her close friend, "We'll just have to wait here. I'm sure our friends will help us somehow."

Sonic glances at her, "How will they know about us being lock up here?"

"Television, News... duh." Sparklie replied. "And this is probably good for you. With you in here, the real thief is out there and this will prove you're innocent."

"How can I wait here while that fake hedgehog is out there causing trouble?!" Sonic exclaimed, tapping his right foot with impatient.

Sparklie seem kinda insulted when Sonic call Shadow a 'fake' hedgehog, "His name is Shadow, Sonic."

Sonic then turns to Sparklie, wondering about something, "That reminds me... How did that fake hedgehog knows your name anyway?"

Sparklie looked a bit trouble when Sonic ask her about that. She then explains, "...Well... After you escape from the military in the city, I'd went off looking for you. But then... I'd bump into that black hedgehog, Shadow. I didn't knew it was him who stole the Chaos Emerald at first and was trying to talk him, hoping he could give me some answers about what happened the night before. Then right when the police was closing in, he reveal he stole the same emerald and told me his name. Then he disappeared by using Chaos Control."

/Chaos Control? ...What is that exactly?/ Sonic thought. Then he suddenly let's out a big sigh at her, pacing back and forth, "I can't believe you didn't notice it sooner and didn't caught him when you had the chance!"

Sparklie shouts at him, "Hey! I didn't think it was him, okay?! Besides, he distracted me with his good lo--" She quickly stopped herself from saying anything more.

Sonic faces her again as his eyes went big, eying her,  "...Were you going to say 'good looks'?"

Sparklie blushes with red on her furry cheeks, "N-No! Forget what I said!" looking away from Sonic.

Sonic stood there then starts to chuckles, teasing her, "Well, well... I never thought this would happen. A hero falling in love with her enemy."

Sparklie's face was now bright red. "Who said I'm falling in love with that guy?! That hedgehog is nothing, but a jerk! It took me forever to get him to tell me his name!" Sparklie growled then humphed.

"Whatever you say, Sparks... Just don't fall for him too deep. He's the reason why we're here in first place." Sonic said, pacing around again.

"Correction, Sonic, he's the reason you're here. I'm only here 'cause the military thought I was helping you escape! ...You just have to escape..." Sparklie said, putting her head on her hands. Then said, "And will you stop pacing and sit down?"

"I can't! Y'know I can't stand still!" Sonic exclaimed as he keeps on pacing.

Sparklie mentally sighs at him as she thinks, /He is right about that one.../ then she notices some writing on the walls. They looked like math problems... /...Odd... This looks like it was done by someone who's very smart. I wonder who was in here before? ...No matter... I just have to pray and hope Bruncher found Tails so they can get us out of this place./

Prison Island: Coastline

While Sonic and Sparklie waited in jail, the villains just arrive in the forest of Prison Island. It seem the other three Chaos Emeralds are held in the base.

"Back here yet again... Gozo..." Caper grumbled.

"Oh, shut up, hamburger! This is the only place Rouge knows of where the other emeralds are." Haze said, making Caper glaring at her for calling him a hamburger.

Eggman then spoke to Haze, "Having to come back isn't my idea of a vacation either! How can you be sure Rouge's intelligence reports are correct? Why would the Chaos Emeralds be here on the island?"

Rascal sighs then answers, "Dr. Eggman is right, y'know... Rouge, are you absolutely sure those emeralds are here?"

Rouge just shrugs with no worries and answers, "Well, believe what you want to believe."

"That's right! Besides, it's the only theory we have." Haze said.

Eggman humphs at the bat and sheep, "Very well..." then explains the plan, "Let's discuss how we are going to do this. Caper and I will go in first and distract the military troops, allowing you all to sneak in the base without being detected. Then Shadow and Rascal will..." He took out a pair of timer and a few packs of dynamite "...enter the armory, where they will set the timers on these dynamite packs. Once those are in place... we will blow up the whole island and get away before anyone has a chance to know what hit them!"

"Actually, the dynamites will just greatly damage the island, Dr. Eggman." Haze spoke out.

Dr. Eggman slightly glares at Haze then gives the two timers to Shadow and Rascal.

Eggman looks at Rouge and continues, "Meanwhile you and Haze will have to sneak into the cargo area and grab the Chaos Emeralds! That's a challenge for such a worthy treasure hunter as yourself. Isn't it bat girl?"

Rouge gave Eggman a wink as if she was saying 'You got it.'

"We only have 30 minutes to pull this mission off! And we only get one try, so don't fail me!" Dr. Eggman told them. And with that, Eggman and Caper went ahead as the rest with in different directions to sneak through the base.

Dr. Eggman drove his EggWalker towards the entrance of the base with Caper behind him on the walker. The two manages to distract the military as they cause trouble while Rouge, Rascal, Haze and Shadow easily sneak through the chaos.

It only took 3 to 4 minutes for everyone to meet at the entrance.

Haze than spoke with unease, "I gotta baaad feeling about this you guys."

"Will you stop worrying, Haze?!" Rascal exclaimed. "Let's just get this over with already..."

"OK, everyone ready?" Dr. Eggman spoke. "Shadow, Rascal, Caper, Rouge, Haze, on with the show!"

All of the sudden, familiar a pink hedgehog hugs behind Shadow. It was Amy Rose.

"Oh, Sonic! I thought I'd never see you again! I'm so glad you made it!" Amy exclaimed with joy, thinking Shadow it was Sonic. However, when she took a closer look, she quickly realize it's not Sonic at all. "You're not Sonic!" Amy shouted as she step back. "Who are you?!"

"I'm the one who should be asking that!" Dr. Eggman spoke with annoyances and anger.

Amy took a double look at Shadow then at Eggman, seeing Team Deception and Rouge with Eggman, "Dr. Eggman?! AAAAAAHH!!" Amy quickly realize she's in big trouble and ran off very fast.

"Who was that girl?" Caper asked, looking confuse.

"Don't know, but she seem to know Sonic." Haze answered.

Dr. Eggman exclaims, "That's Amy! She's one of Sonic's friends and her timing is impeccable! Leave it to me and Caper! We'll take care of her. You four, go!" He commanded the rest and the four quickly run off to do their things as Eggman and Caper went after Amy.

"Wait a minute! I'd never hurt a chica before!" Caper shouted as they chases after Amy.

Meanwhile with Bruncher, he just found Tails at the workshop and told the fox about what happened to Sonic. It seem Tails knew about this as well and was adding some things on the Tornado III before leaving. However, before the two could leave, the news came on again, saying that not only Sonic is arrested, but Sparklie too. Now, Bruncher and Tails are on their way to Prison Island to free their friends.

Prison Island: Nearby airspace

Tails and Bruncher were riding in the Cyclone aka Tornado III, flying over the ocean and heading towards Prison Island to free their friends; Sonic and Sparklie.

Bruncher spoke when he spots the island ahead, "Yo! Tails! Is that it?!" He was sitting behind Tails as the fox drove the plane.

Tails looks straight ahead, "There's no mistake about it, this must be the island. It's a secret military base that is reinforced and super strong! it's called Prison Island!"

"How did you know about this island so much?" Bruncher asked.

"I heard it from the news, talking about it one time on satellite TV." Tails answered.

"Ah, I see... I guess Sparklie is right about you helping us with Sonic. Now, she arrested with him." Bruncher said, worrying about Sparklie.

"The military probably thought she was in on it too." Tails suggested. "I still can't believe that Sonic would destroy the military buildings or rob the bank!"

"Sparklie can't believe it either, Tails. That's why she went after him to clear his name." Bruncher told Tails. "Now, she's in trouble, along with Sonic and it's up to us to save them."

Tails nodded at Bruncher, "Right! Wait for us, OK you guys! We're on our way!" then pilots the plane to fly faster as they got closer and now flying over the base.

Then Tails spots someone on the base, a pink someone! "Hey, look it's Amy!"

"Amy? You mean the same girl who always chase after Sonic?" Bruncher said as he looks down to see Amy as well.

Amy was running away from something then quickly stops at bank, trap by none other than Dr. Eggman and Caper.

"Eggman's down there too!" Tails exclaimed, worrying about Amy. "But who's that bull riding with him?"

"That's Caper! He's part of those troublemakers call Team Deception!" Bruncher exclaimed, surprise to see Caper with Dr. Eggman. "Me and my friends bumped into them in the city."

"It looks like those troublemakers had join forces with Eggman!" Tails guessed. "But what's Amy doing here?"

"What else? To free Sonic! Let's just get down there and help her before those guys hurt her!" Bruncher exclaimed.

"You got it, Bruncher! Tornado... Transformation!" Tails exclaimed. He pushes a button of the plane then the Tornado transform into Walker Mode.

With Amy, she frantically looks around to hide or escape, but soon she realize she was trap.

"Give up, Amy!" Eggman exclaimed as he pointed the weapon at her.

Suddenly, Tails and Bruncher fall from the sky in the walker and landed front of Dr. Eggman and Caper.

"¡Es ese canguro desde antes!" Caper shouted, pointing at Bruncher then jumps off the EggWalker.

Tails and Bruncher glances at Amy, who's very relief to see them.

"Boy! Am I glad to see you two!" Amy cried with big relief.

"Stand back, Amy!" Tails told her as Bruncher jumps off the walker to face Caper.

Bruncher glares at Caper, "I knew you and your teammates were troublemakers, but I never expected this..." He punches his fists together.

Caper glares back at Bruncher, "You and me both, canguro..." clenches his fist.

Bruncher spoke to Tails, "You handle the egg guy while I handle this bull."

Tails just nodded then starts to battle against Dr. Eggman with his walker.

As the geniuses battle each other, Bruncher and Caper charges at each other and quickly pushes against each other with their hands, giving all their strengths.

Bruncher grunted as he tries to push Caper back, "You're a lot stronger then I excepted, bull..."

Caper smirks, "Ha! You haven't seen nothing yet!" He exclaimed then swiftly swings Bruncher into the air and throws the kangaroo up high.

Bruncher shouts with shock, but quickly lands on his feet when he falls back to the ground.

"Fire Horn!" Caper shouted then charges at Bruncher with full speed.

However, Bruncher was too quick and leaps over the bull before the horns could touch him.

Caper crashes into the wooden boxes. "Ow... That was painful..." Caper groaned as he slowly got up from the smash boxes.

Bruncher turns to Caper, "My turn... Rapid Punch!" then swiftly throws punches at Caper, hitting the bull's face multiple times.

Caper steps back away from Bruncher, holding his face then growls at the kangaroo as Bruncher glares at Caper.

Suddenly, Tails shouts, "Bruncher, look out!"

Bruncher suddenly glances at where Tails is and see a small missile heading right towards him. "WHOA!!" Bruncher quickly jumps away before the missile could hit strike him.

The missile exploded when it hits the ground, making Caper fall to the ground on his bottom from the sound waves.

Eggman was the one who shot a missile at Bruncher.

"¡Oye! What's the big idea?! Are you trying to kill me?!" Caper yelled at Eggman with anger.

"We have no time for these pest!" Dr. Eggman reminded the bull.

"Huh? ...Oh, right!" Caper exclaimed then runs towards Eggman and hops on the walker.

Both Bruncher and Tails looked surprise and confuse. Eggman never stop in the middle of battle unless he or his enemy loses.

"This time, we'll let you two go. But the next time we meet... You two won't be so lucky!" Dr. Eggman growled then drove the EggWalker off.

"¡Hasta luego!" Caper shouted.

Bruncher and Tails just glares those two off, making sure they're gone.

Suddenly, Amy rushes towards Tails and Bruncher, "Wow, Tails, you two did it! But what are you two doing here on this island?" She asked.

"I'm the one who should be asking that question!" Tails exclaimed. "Don't know it's dangerous here?"

"I know, but I'm here to save my hero, Sonic!" Amy told Tails, looking daze with romance in her eyes.

"Trying to get Sonic to take you on a date?" Bruncher guessed.

"Yep! Once I've rescue him, he'll be so thankful, he would wanna take me on date, maybe even more~!" Amy smiled with loved.

Both Bruncher and Tails rolled their eyes at Amy, "...Oh, boy..."

Then Bruncher said to Amy, "Sonic isn't the only one here, Amy... So is Sparklie."

"Sparklie's here too? Then we should hurry! I know Eggman's up to no good again!" Amy said.

Bruncher jumps on the walker, sitting behind Tails.

"OK, you stay here and we'll be right back!" Tails said and drove the walker towards the entrances of the base.

Amy shouts at them, "Hey! Don't leave without me! I wanna help them too y'know!" and runs after them.

Inside the base, they enter the Prison Lane to head towards the core. It wasn't easy at first with all robot guards in there, but they made it near where the core is.

"Here we are... But we still have to get our friends out of there." Bruncher spoke.

Then Amy said, "No problem! Look what I got!" She pull out an ID card.

"Where did you get that?!" Tails asked.

"That's a secret~!" Amy giggled. "Now, you guys keep the guards busying while I get Sonic and Sparklie out of there." She runs off ahead as Bruncher and Tails heads off to keep the guards busy as they can.

With Sonic and Sparklie...

"...Sonic, will you please stop pacing... It's not gonna help to pass the time y'know." Sparklie sighed with annoyances, still sitting down against the wall.

Sonic was pacing around again then taps his right foot again, "I can't! I'm about go crazy if we don't do something!"

Suddenly, Amy drops from the air vent and lands in front the cell where Sonic and Sparklie are in.

"Amy?!" Both Sonic and Sparklie exclaimed with shock.

Amy shushes them, "Shhh! Keep your voices down!" She whispered then smiles, "Have no fear, Amy Rose is here!" She did twirl to impressed Sonic.

But Sonic pay no need to that as he quietly ask her, "How'd you get here?"

"Well if you gotta know... I caught a ride with Tails and Bruncher!" Amy answered.

Sparklie stood up when she heard that, "Bruncher and Tails are here as well?! Thank goodness..." She sighed with relief. She then ask Amy, "Think you can get us out of here before Sonic loses his mind?"

"Sure!" Amy responded, showing Sparklie the card. "Though, why are you guys here anyway? I mean, I heard on the news that Sonic got arrested for stealing a Chaos Emerald and you assisted him to escaped."

"Well..." Before Sparklie could say, Sonic beats her to it.

"The reason we're in here is because of that fake hedgehog!" He said as he stretches his arms.

Sparklie just glares at him. She didn't understand why, but she felt insult for Sonic calling Shadow a fake hedgehog again.

Amy then said, "You mean that black hedgehog?"

"What?! You saw him?!" Sparklie exclaimed, almost as if she sounded happy to know Shadow is here.

"Did you see it? Where is it now?!" Sonic asked Amy.

"His name is Shadow and he's not an it, Sonic!" Sparklie exclaimed at Sonic with anger.

"Okay, okay... I'm sorry!" Sonic apologized.

"You know that black hedgehog, Sparklie?" Amy asked.

Sonic then smirks, "You say could he's--"

Sparklie snarls at him, "Finish that sentence and I'll electrify ya!" showing her left fist with electric waves coming out.

"Never mind!" Sonic quickly said, chuckling with nervous. "Anyway, where is that black hedgehog, Amy?"

"If I tell you, will you marry me?" Amy said with hope in her voice.

Sparklie snickers when Amy said to Sonic. The blue hedgehog just turn away from Amy, exclaiming, "No way!"

Unknown to Amy, Sparklie spots a slight pink blush on Sonic's cheeks. /Hmm... I wonder.../

Amy then whines with disappointment, "I thought I had you this time!" and slides the card through the lock, making the bars slides up to release Sonic and Sparklie.

Amy explains to Sonic, "That black hedgehog came here with Dr. Eggman."

Sparklie looked like her heart just broke, "Wh-What? It can't be... I mean, he did stole the Chaos Emerald... But I never thought he would be..."

"So, Eggman's behind this, huh?" Sonic said as he walk out of the cell.

Amy went to Sparklie, "Are you okay? You seem upset."

Sparklie shook her head, answering, "It's nothing... I'm fine."

Amy then notices writing on the wall, "What's all that writing on the wall anyway? Did you guys write that?"

"No, that's was already there when we got here. They look old though..." Sparklie said then notices Sonic is gone. "What the?! Sonic's gone!"

"Hey! Wait for us Sonic!" Amy shouted as she ran after him with Sparklie behind. "He's such a brat sometimes!"

"I'll say..." Sparklie sighed then ask Amy, "Are Eggman and Shadow the only ones here?"

"Well, there was a bat, a sheep, a goat and a bull with them." Amy said.

/Team Deception too? What's going on here?/ Sparklie thought then runs up ahead to catch up to Sonic, telling him, "Sonic, I'm going the other way! It's best if we split up in order to stop Eggman and Shadow at the same time."

Sonic looks at her then nods, "Alright! Be careful through, Sparks."

"Same to you." Sparklie responded and with that, she ran into the another direction as Sonic heads outside to hence a ride on a missile...

Finally! I manages to finished this chapter. Amy Rose and Tails made their appearances. It seem Sparklie wasn't excepting to hear that Shadow is working Dr. Eggman. But I wonder how the rest of the villains; Shadow, Rascal, Rouge and Haze are doing?

EDIT: Fixed the chapter a bit

Summary: Sparklie and her two friends; Bruncher and T.H, has return to help Sonic, Tails and Knuckles to stop Eggman and two new enemies; Shadow the Hedgehog and Rouge the Bat. She even encounters her new rivals, Team Deception; Rascal the Goat, Haze the Sheep and Caper the Bull. While Bruncher helps Tails against Eggman & Caper and T.H helps Knuckles against Rouge & Haze, she helps Sonic against Shadow & Rascal and tries to clear Sonic's name by finding out it was Shadow the Hedgehog who made Sonic falsely accused by GUN. Urging to find out why Shadow is doing this, she willing to make Shadow see that humans are not all bad...

Ch. 5 - Villains Forming a Team:…
Ch. 7 - Get Chaos Emeralds:…

Sonic Adventure 2 © Sega/Sonic Team
Team Jungle, Team Deception, Story © :iconicyi:
© 2013 - 2024 Icyi
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